출처: http://www.claassen.net/geek/blog/2005/06/log4net-scrollingtextbox.html
I use log4net for most of my apps. I did similar things in all the languages i’ve worked with. I just like having a way to verbosely spew information into the ether so that i could use for analysing code when something gest wonky without having to step through the code or go uncommenting loads of Console.Writeline() calls.
On unix, i just always have a terminal open for tailing the log files and while i often do the same under Windows, using a Cygwin bash shell, i’ve started putting debug windows into my Windows.Forms apps, just because it’s nice and convenient. To make this work, you simply use the log4netMemoryAppender. For display purposed, I use a TextBox, but do some legwork to limit the size of the text logged and to make sure it stays scrolled at the bottom.
public class FormX : System.Windows.Forms.Form
#region Static Members ####################################################
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FormX));
#region Members Variables #################################################
private bool logWatching = true;
private log4net.Appender.MemoryAppender logger;
private Thread logWatcher;
/// <summary>
/// The TextBox for our logging messages
/// </summary>
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox mLog;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
#region Constructors #################################################
public FormX()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
this.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(FormX_Closing);
logger = new log4net.Appender.MemoryAppender();
// Could use a fancier Configurator if you don't want to catch every message
// Since there are no events to catch on logging, we dedicate
// a thread to watching for logging events
logWatcher = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LogWatcher));
// [...]
private void FormX_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
// Gotta stop our logging thread
logWatching = false;
private void LogWatcher()
// we loop until the Form is closed
LoggingEvent[] events = logger.Events;
if( events != null && events.Length > 0 )
// if there are events, we clear them from the logger,
// since we're done with them
foreach( LoggingEvent ev in events )
StringBuilder builder;
// the line we want to log
string line = ev.LoggerName + ": " + ev.RenderedMessage+"\r\n";
// don't want to grow this log indefinetly, so limit to 100 lines
if( mLog.Lines.Length > 99 )
builder = new StringBuilder(mLog.Text);
// strip out a nice chunk from the beginning
// using AppendText since that makes sure the TextBox stays
// scrolled at the bottom
// nap for a while, don't need the events on the millisecond.
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